
Monday, January 12, 2015

Organize a Little

Organization isn't about perfection. It's about efficiency, reducing stress & clutter, saving time & money, and improving your overall quality of life.
- Christina Scalise

Did you know that there's actually an organization for getting organized?  I kid you not.  And they have declared January as National Get Organized Month.  
Who am I to argue with that?  Personally, I'm always frustrated when I can't find something. Trying to find that elusive item can instantly put me in a bad mood. So when I come across a great organzing tip that makes my life easier, I want to climb the highest mountain and share it with the world.  Now where did I put that mountain....

Here's a post that I wrote awhile back in 2012 on my Walking In Pretty Shoes blog. It is a great DIY idea for organizing your jewelry. It became very popular very quickly. I hope you enjoy it too.

I am anything but handy. I usually see great do-it-yourself (DIY) projects and think one of two things:
  • That’s cool but too much work
  • That looks hand-made (and not in a good way)
But, I’ve accumulated a lot of jewelry and I needed an organized way of storing my earrings so that I could a) see them and b) keep them from getting lost in a tangle of earrings. To find a solution/holder, I’ve Googled jewelry holders and the results usually include a holder that looks like it would be difficult to get your earrings in and out of. I don’t have the PATIENCE for that and I know that I would not take the time to do something so fiddly.
I think this holder is a cool and easy solution. Before this project, I use to use a variation of this idea where I mounted material and ribbons to hold the earrings in place, but the earrings got stuck on the material and it ended up being quite fiddly. Fiddly = not good and not used.
I saw this version on someone’s blog a while ago, repinned from Pinterest (Sorry, I can’t remember who it was). I removed the previous backing and replaced it with chicken wire. I love it. It’s easy, practical and holds a lot of earrings!

In this blog entry, I’m giving the instructions as if I hadn’t already attempted the other solution. I hope you find them easy to follow.

To create your own earring holder:
  1. Purchase or find any picture frame that is large enough to accommodate the number of earrings you have.
  2. Cut out/remove the back.
  3. Cut a piece of chicken wire to the size of the frame. I found my chicken wire in a roll at Home Depot. It cost less than eight dollars and came in a large roll. Note: I chose chicken wire that has scattered loops to make it easier to hang the earrings. I’m not sure what I’m going to use the rest of the roll for…. but…I digress. :-)
  4. Staple the chicken wire to the back of the frame. I used a staple gun.
  5. Hang your earrings. 
Ta Da! You are one handy human being. You rock!

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